Kamis, 20 April 2017


Nature is everything around us. Such as plants, animals, environments, social interactions. Nature take a big part of our life because from nature we are living. Nature really impact our lives.
Nature give us a lot of thing that sometimes we don’t realize because we can get it so easily like free air, water, food, relaxation. We don’t realize that air is so important and nature give us freely. Imagine if we need to pay every oxygen that we breathe. I think we will be destitute and absolutely can’t effort it. We need to be grateful that nature give us freely. So breathe while the air still free. Food, even we don’t get it for free it still came from nature like plants or animals. If there is no food we’ll be dying of starving.
 And sometimes something big like inspiration, innovation, creation, knowledge, art, architecture. Issac Newton got an inspiration when he saw an apple fell from the tree. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by tying a key to a kite in thunderstorm. Thomas Alva Edison invented lamp because he was afraid of dark, when night is coming. Archimedes got inspiration when he immersed himself in the common bathub filled with water. Then he noticed there was water spilling onto the floor. So Archimedes law days that “If an object is dipped into something liquid, then it will get upward pressure equal to the severity of liquid pressed by the object”. And as you can see nature is give us inspiration for making a new creation and innovation. For me nature is a great mentor.
Not just nature impact us, but we impact the nature too. But sometimes we just some awful human that ungrateful after everything that nature give us. We’re so apathetic, selfish, and individualism. We’re exploiting the nature and ruin it. Environment destruction, wasting energy. All we care are ourselves, food, money, new bag, and new shoes. Sometimes we pretend like we care but it is a lie it just  like we form a good image in social media and public. Earth is dying, people is dying. Global warming, melting ice, deforest, terrorism, criminals, and hunger just common issue. I think it’s not because a lot of people become terrorism, criminals, and bad. But because we stop to care. I don’t say every people didn’t care but I just see  a few people that really cares about nature, environment, and some global warming stuff.

We can still help the nature. But the first step to help nature is to care. Not for social media but for yourself. After that other things will follow, like simple thing. Turn off the tv when you don’t see them, turn off the light when it is day. Use public transportation, recycle your old stuff, only buy things that you really need, don’t litter, use water wisely, take care of plants. Little things but if very of you do it, day by day. It will give a big good impact. Always little things that change everything.