Kamis, 18 Mei 2017


This time I would like to thanks and praise the drivers of Gojek, because i think they're very useful and pratical. There was so many time that my parent can't pick me from school and Gojek Online aplication help me very much. Not just driving the passanger but now rhey're sending food, stuff, and many others. I can't count how many time i feel hungry and i can't cook and outside is raining. So i just ordered it from gojek and they'll send it right away. And there's so many promos, i can't help it 😅😅.  And when i should buy something and i don't have time i can ordered gojek.

To all drivers of gojek I really owe you. You guys are very friendly, helpful, and yet a life saver. You guys make my day a lot easier and happier with go-food (everybody love food right?) There's alot of time that outside is raining but you guys still come and it show dedication to your job. And i think you guys should proud to your job! Because you guys without knowing are saving peoples day😊😊

Senin, 08 Mei 2017

Dewa Athena

Hey! Today I'm going to tell my experienced while joined Dewa Athena!
First Dewa Athena is a sport competition held in SMAN 3 Bandung by the members of OSIS. Dewa Athena is actually an abbreviation Olympic for students' talents and abilities, mostly focused on sports. It was held on 23rd - 25th of March and then followed with 1st of April and 8th of April. The 23rd - 24th of March is for the 11th Graders, while 25th of March and 1st of April were for the 10th Graders. Last is the 8th of April which is exclusively for the Grand Finals. There were 8 sports that were competed, which were; Futsal, Basketball, Volleyball, Dodgeball, Relay, Tug of War, Badminton and Gobak Sodor.
The competition for the 10th Graders were at Saturday, 25th of March. This was where the fun began. Well, I didn't really know how the opening was and etc.  because I came late teehee. My friends said that there were like Olympic torches igniting sort of thing to imitate a real Olympic event. I personally registered for 3 competitions which were Dodgeball, Basketball, and Gobak Sodor. Oh, about Gobak Sodor, its kind of like a tower defence with humans, where the person defending needs to touch the person invading the territory.
As I arrived, my friends said that they have won several competitions; Female's Futsal, Relay, and Tug of War. I was really happy because they said that so far, they have won every single competition. However, when we just finished Tug of War, we got bad news from the Male's Double for Badminton, that they had lost. It was our first loss of today, but we still have a lot of upcoming matches so that doesn't put our spirit down. But then, after the Tug of War and Badminton there is this Male's Futsal, and we were against a really good competitor, X IPA 6 which has past winners of Futsal competitions in their Junior High School. Sadly, we lost, but that is also anticipated because we all know that they would have won anyways.
Moving on is Female's Futsal, again. We have 2 good contenders who can actually play futsal, but on the other team, there is this one girl who is crazy good at playing sports. We put up a really good fight, but we lost. And at this point we were starting to lose our spirit. The next competition was Female's Badminton. I'm going to be honest our team has the best player for Female's Badminton, but again this is a Female's Double, and since her teammate is not as good, it kind of put us up on stake aswell. Our opponent is really good, I mean, both of the players are well balanced at playing Badminton, so it is really nervous to watch it. Aaaaand we won! Well it was a mixture of luck and the fact that one of our players is just really THAT good, but we almost lose btw.
Last competition was Basketball. But, it was scheduled at 15.30 or 16.00 so we all are like, "Ugh, lets just be disqualified for this one competition" and so no one showed up at the time of the competition, and we had to pay Rp. 100.000 as the sanction for not being present. That was all about Dewa Athena, the next competition is at 1st April, we are going to play Gobak Sodor, moving up in relay, female's badminton, and volleyball. Hope my class can win it all!





















Here are the clues

1.    You can see it but you can feel it, in the air.

3.    Abbreviation for truth or dare

5.    Looking towards. I am … south.

6.    Where animals are displayed to public

9.    A place with lots of books.

11.  An enemy. A friend or a …

12.  Past tense of see

14.  Food with high vitamins usually from green plants.

17.  Extreme. A ….. pain

19.  A cyndrical container made of glass for storing food or jam.

20.  A fluffy animal that goes meow

21.  A blank space between two objects. A … between your teeth

23.  Not real or not true.

24.  Dot in a decimal. A decimal …

25.  Short for tuxedo

        2.    An animal similar to horse (plural)
        4.    A small sketch. The google …
        7.    A structure placed across a flowing water to stop the flow
        8.    The act of exiting something. She … the match
        10.  Noun for being courageous
        13.  Water in the air that makes vision blurry
        15.  Food containing beef covered with a layer of bread on top and bottom
        16.  A big animal that has big ears and trunks
        18.  The noun of seeing. Eagle … are really sharp
        22.  Part of human body below the belly.
Let's Play!

Kamis, 20 April 2017


Nature is everything around us. Such as plants, animals, environments, social interactions. Nature take a big part of our life because from nature we are living. Nature really impact our lives.
Nature give us a lot of thing that sometimes we don’t realize because we can get it so easily like free air, water, food, relaxation. We don’t realize that air is so important and nature give us freely. Imagine if we need to pay every oxygen that we breathe. I think we will be destitute and absolutely can’t effort it. We need to be grateful that nature give us freely. So breathe while the air still free. Food, even we don’t get it for free it still came from nature like plants or animals. If there is no food we’ll be dying of starving.
 And sometimes something big like inspiration, innovation, creation, knowledge, art, architecture. Issac Newton got an inspiration when he saw an apple fell from the tree. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by tying a key to a kite in thunderstorm. Thomas Alva Edison invented lamp because he was afraid of dark, when night is coming. Archimedes got inspiration when he immersed himself in the common bathub filled with water. Then he noticed there was water spilling onto the floor. So Archimedes law days that “If an object is dipped into something liquid, then it will get upward pressure equal to the severity of liquid pressed by the object”. And as you can see nature is give us inspiration for making a new creation and innovation. For me nature is a great mentor.
Not just nature impact us, but we impact the nature too. But sometimes we just some awful human that ungrateful after everything that nature give us. We’re so apathetic, selfish, and individualism. We’re exploiting the nature and ruin it. Environment destruction, wasting energy. All we care are ourselves, food, money, new bag, and new shoes. Sometimes we pretend like we care but it is a lie it just  like we form a good image in social media and public. Earth is dying, people is dying. Global warming, melting ice, deforest, terrorism, criminals, and hunger just common issue. I think it’s not because a lot of people become terrorism, criminals, and bad. But because we stop to care. I don’t say every people didn’t care but I just see  a few people that really cares about nature, environment, and some global warming stuff.

We can still help the nature. But the first step to help nature is to care. Not for social media but for yourself. After that other things will follow, like simple thing. Turn off the tv when you don’t see them, turn off the light when it is day. Use public transportation, recycle your old stuff, only buy things that you really need, don’t litter, use water wisely, take care of plants. Little things but if very of you do it, day by day. It will give a big good impact. Always little things that change everything. 

Minggu, 08 Januari 2017



    Last holiday I went to Yogyakarta with my family with cars. We drove about 7-8 hours and we arrived Jogja at 8 in the morning. The first thing that we did in the first day was visiting Gereja Ayam. They called it that way because the church just look like a chicken head. We're going there because Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 was filming in here. that was very romantic when Cinta and Rangga having a deep conversation in the top of Gereja Ayam. Because I'm one of the fan so I went here. After that my family and I were going rafting in Progo River. The guide separate us into 3 boats. We're having so much fun when the boat hit the rock and we fell to the water or when the torrent. We were laughing really hard. but there was accident when my brother fell to the water and he lost his Go pro in the torrent. After having so much fun we went to the hotel and had some rest. At 10 we went to Malioboro the traffic was really bad. So we need to walk. Malioboro was so crowded because that night was new year's eve. when the time pointed to 12 the fireworks and trumpet was everywhere. And they sang Indonesia Tanah Air Beta. What a night!
    On the second day we went to place to swim. It's so natural and the water was very cold I can't help it. So we just sat on the rock and put our foot in the water while we can see the fish around our foot. After that we ate dinner in The House of Raminten. It was one of the restaurant that Cinta and Rangga visited at the movie. It was quite unique restaurant where the waiters are transgender or ladyboy. And at the restaurant too there were horses I was surprised to saw them. But that restaurant was crowded we need to wait about 3 hours and when we order food the food was empty. so i was a little bit disappointed.
     The last day at Jogja we went to Alun-Alun Kidul where there is a twin banyan tree. There was a legend if you could passed between the twin banyan tree while your eyes closed one of your wish will be granted. But I was not in a good mood so I didn't try. bu when I was kid I tried it but failed. After that I went back to Bandung. 

    It's not my best holiday but it's not bad.